@school App

Here at Waterloo School we aim to make it as easy as possible to receive information about your child/children. Our home/school communications come through the @school caregiver app, which is part of our student management system.
When your child starts school with us you will receive an email inviting you to join the app and giving you instructions on how to login to it.
With the app you can:
Securely view the information we hold about your child/ren
Receive school notices
Complete permission slips for trips or sports
Send absence notifications if your child is sick
Book parent/teacher interviews
View our school events calendar (you'll never miss cross country again!)
and more
You only need to sign up to the app once. If you have more than one child here with us, they each appear in the app.
If you have any questions please contact us by phone or email itcontact@waterloo.school.nz