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For any school payments we have the options of Internet Banking, 

Eft-Pos or cash.  


Internet BankingPlease use the Waterloo School Account 12-3142-0500928-00


Put your child's name, room number and what you are paying for as a reference.



Eft-Pos is available at the school office

If you wish to pay cash, please put it into an envelope along with your child's name, room and what you are paying for on the outside of the envelope.

School Donations

We greatly appreciate the generous support of our community and we are aware that it is a tough financial climate for all of our families.  If you wish to support us (and we certainly hope you can) the table below shows the current suggested donation, however, any contribution is greatly appreciated.  You can choose to pay per term, as a lump sum, or even weekly automatic payments (following discussion with the School’s Finance Manager). 


                                                per year               per term           tax credit return

                                                                                                           (per year)

                       1 child               $250.00                $62.50                    $82.50

                       2 children          $500.00              $125.00                  $165.00

                       3+ children        $625.00              $156.25                  $206.25



If you are in a position to contribute a little extra for families that may be struggling to contribute, this would be most appreciated.  


No child will be exempt from any activity or event, however, this means the school has to cover this cost and the operational funding is not sufficient to cover all of these expenses.  Any donations towards these activities is always gratefully received.


School donations qualify for tax credits. For every donation over $5, you can claim back 33%.  If you pay before 31 March, you can claim your credit back from IRD from April of that year.  This is very easy to do and the link below will clearly explain how to either do this online or you can print and complete 'Tax credit claim form - IR526'.


Waterloo School

Hardy Street

Lower Hutt    5011


Ph: 04 - 939 2055


Term Dates 2025


Term One:      30 Jan - 11 April

Term Two:    28 April  - 27 June
Term Three:    14 July - 19 Sept
Term Four:        6 Oct - 12 Dec

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