Waterloo School Parents’ Association (PA) is a great way to become involved with the school community, meet other parents and make a positive contribution to the school.
All parents and caregivers with children at Waterloo School are welcome to join. Our meetings are held on weeks 2 and 7 of each term (Monday nights, 7.30-9.00pm in the staffroom).
The Principal, a Board of Trustees member, and a Staff Representative attend most meetings.
Our fundraising efforts have enabled the school to purchase equipment and resources that wouldn’t have been available to the children otherwise.
A variety of fundraising events take place through the year, including Entertainment Books, Calendar Art, Pizza & Cookie Lunches, the Autumn Markets and the annual Christmas Cottage – a craft market evening with an emphasis on local and handmade products.
Find out more
Like and follow the Waterloo School Parents’ Association Facebook page to keep up to date with all PA activities and events. There are also regular updates in the school newsletter and advance notice at the beginning of each term of upcoming fundraising events.
We post the Minutes of all PA meetings on the noticeboard at the school office.
If you’d like to find out more, you can:
message us via the PA Facebook page
or come along to a meeting and check us out!
Or, if you think you might like to help out with PA activities occasionally, but don’t want to come to commit to regular meetings, you can become a Friend of the PA.
We look forward to meeting you!
Mike Jin